Sunday, April 10, 2011

Email Etiquette: Sending Emails Without Annoying the Receiver

Email communication is among the most important aspects of business relationships. How many of you spend more than half of your working day reading or sending out emails? I know I do. Long gone are the days when we only communicated with others via phone or letters, which took almost a week to reach the receiver. Nowadays with just a click of a bottom, we can send messages, attachment, and greetings to practically 
anyone around the world. Great huh!

The problem with this useful and practical communication technique is that not everyone knows how to properly use it or sometimes due to the rush of their days, they forget to put in practice some important email etiquette rules to be able to create a concise, well-written, and “to the point” email message.
Do you remember the last time you sent an email and after pressing the sent bottom, you realized that the email was sent either to the wrong person or had a bunch of mistakes? I certainly do. I was writing an email to a prospect client who was living in Miami FL at that time and at the same time reading an email from a good friend who was having marital problems. Long story short, the emails got all mixed up and I ended up forwarding the email from my friend to my client. I was able to fix the misunderstanding, but oh boy! What an embarrassment. Taking about messing up huh!

According to, many companies send email replies late or not at all, or send replies that do not actually answer the questions you asked. If your company is able to deal professionally with email, knowing the email etiquette rules will provide your company with that all important competitive edge. Moreover, by knowing these rules you can learn what can and cannot be said or done in an email, which in one way or another will help you protect your company from awkward liability issues and you from losing your job.

There are many different etiquette rules in the professional field and some of these rules will vary depending to the type of business or company structure.

Below, I will share with you six of the most important email etiquette rules that apply to practically all professional settings:

1) Writing the message: Make sure the structure of your email message applies to the situation. When sending business emails, do not forget to follow standard writing protocol. Avoid confusing abbreviations, emoticons, or other distracting slangs (eg., LOL, TTYL, BTW, etc.) in professional emails.

2) Length of the message: Try as much as possible to keep the message short and to the point. Sending a long message will put you in risk of losing the receiver’s attention within the first two paragraphs. 

3) Over use of email messages: Do not use emails to avoid personal contact with your receiver. Face-to face communication still considered the best way of personal/professional communication when dealing with important matters.

4) Emails are not private: Do not write in an email anything that can haunt you in the future.    E-mail messages sent from work email accounts are considered business property and can be retrieved, screened, and examined without your consent.

5) Tone of the message: Do not forget that tones cannot be heard in an email. Make sure to maintain the tone of your email professional and free of sarcasm.

6) Contact information: Never assume the receiver knows who you are or how to get in touch with you. Including your contact information at the end of your message will help the receiver to have an alternate way of getting in touch with you in case he needs to.

Practicing these simple rules will help you improve your email writing abilities and at the same time will provide a positive professional image to you and to your company. But remember; “electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.” ~ Charles Dickens ~
About the Author:

Marielys Camacho-Reyes has over 10 years of experience in the human resources field. Her working experience along with her educational background has given her the necessary tools to guide individuals to discover their full potential and to complete their career or personal goals. If you would like to receive a one-time free coaching session visit her website at

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